Experiments — Quantum Dots
- Tuning the coherent interaction of an electron qubit and a nuclear magnon
N. Shofer, L. Zaporski, M. Appel, S. Manna, S. Covre da Silva, A. Ghorbal, U. Haeusler, A. Rastelli, C. Le Gall, M. Gawełczyk, M. Atatüre, D. Gangloff. (2024)
arXiv:2404.19679 - A many-body quantum register for a spin qubit
M. Appel, A. Ghorbal, N. Shofer, L. Zaporski, S. Manna, S. Covre da Silva, U. Haeusler, C. Le Gall, A. Rastelli, D. Gangloff, M. Atatüre. (2025)
Nature Physics
Nat Phys | arXiv:2404.19680 | Publicity: Cavendish | Morning News | MyScience | - Hyperfine-interaction limits polarization entanglement of photons from semiconductor quantum dots
C. Schimpf, F. Basso Basset, M. Aigner, W. Atteneder, L. Gínes, G. Undeutsch, M. Reindl, D. Huber, D. Gangloff, E. Chekhovich, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, A. Predojeviĉ, R. Trotta, A. Rastelli. (2023)
Physical Review B Letters 108 (8) L081405
PRB | arXiv:2302.05983 - Ideal refocusing of an optically active spin qubit under strong hyperfine interactions
L. Zaporski, N. Shofer*, J. Bodey*, S. Manna, G. Gillard, D. Jackson, M. Appel, C. Schimpf, S. Covre da Silva, J. Jarman, G. Delamare, G. Park, U. Haeusler, E. Chekhovich, A. Rastelli, D. Gangloff, M. Atatüre, C. Le Gall. (2023)
Nature Nanotechnology 18 (3), 257-263
Nat Nano | arXiv:2206.01223 | Publicity: Phys.org, Wiener Zeitung - Optimal purification of a spin ensemble by quantum-algorithmic feedback
D. Jackson, U. Haeusler, L. Zaporski, J. Bodey, N. Shofer, M. Hugues, E. Clarke, M. Atature, C. Le Gall, D. Gangloff. (2022)
Physical Review X 12, 031014
PRX | arXiv.2111.04624 - Witnessing quantum correlations in a nuclear ensemble via an electron spin qubit
D. Gangloff*, L. Zaporski*, J. Bodey*, C. Bachorz, D. Jackson, G. Éthier-Majcher, C. Lang, E. Clarke, M. Hugues, C. Le Gall, M. Atatüre. (2021)
Nature Physics 17, 1247.
Nat Phys | arXiv:2012.11279 | Publicity: Phys.org - Quantum sensing of a coherent single spin excitation in a nuclear ensemble
D. Jackson*, D. Gangloff*, J. Bodey, L. Zaporski, C. Bachorz, E. Clarke, M. Hugues, C. Le Gall, M. Atatüre. (2021)
Nature Physics 17, 585
Nat Phys | arXiv:2008.09541 | Publicity: News & Views, Physics World, University of Cambridge Research News - Optical spin locking of a solid-state qubit
J. Bodey, R. Stockill, E. Denning, D. Gangloff, G. Éthier-Majcher, D. Jackson, E. Clarke, M. Hugues, C. Le Gall, M. Atatüre. (2019)
npj Quantum Information 5, 95
npj QI | arXiv:1906.00427 - Quantum interface of an electron and a nuclear ensemble
D. Gangloff*, G. Éthier-Majcher*, C. Lang, E. Denning, J. Bodey, D. Jackson, E. Clarke, M. Hugues, C. Le Gall, M. Atatüre. (2019)
Science 364, 62-66.
Science | arXiv:1812.07540 | Publicity: Science Perspective, Phys.org, University of Cambridge News, St John’s News - Improving a solid-state qubit through an engineered mesoscopic environment
G. Éthier-Majcher*, D. Gangloff*, R. Stockill, E. Clarke, M. Hugues, C. Le Gall, M. Atatüre. (2017)
Physical Review Letters 119, 130503.
PRL | arXiv:1706.07749 | Publicity: St John’s News
Experiments — Diamond
- Laser Activation of Single Group-IV Colour Centres in Diamond
X. Cheng, A. Thurn, G. Chen, G. Jones, M. Coke, M. Adshead, C. Michaels, O. Balci, A. Ferrari, M. Atatüre, R. Curry, J. Smith, P. Salter, D. Gangloff. (2024)
arXiv:2409.07421 - Photonic indistinguishability of the tin-vacancy center in nanostructured diamond
J. Arjona Martínez*, R. Parker*, K. Chen, C. Purser, L. Li, C. Michaels, A. Stramma, R. Debroux, I. Harris, M. Hayhurst Appel, E. Nichols, M. Trusheim, D. Gangloff, D. Englund, M. Atatüre. (2022)
Physical Review Letters 129, 173603.
PRL | arXiv:2206.15239 - Quantum control of the tin-vacancy spin qubit in diamond
R. Debroux*, C. Michaels*, C. Purser*, N. Wan, M. Trusheim, J. Arjona Martinez, R. Parker, A. Stramma, K. Chen, L. de Santis, E. Alexeev, A. Ferrari, D. Englund, D. Gangloff, M. Atatüre. (2021)
Physical Review X 11 (4), 041041.
PRX | arXiv:2106.00723 - Transform-limited photons from a coherent tin-vacancy spin in diamond
M. Trusheim*, B. Pingault*, N. Wan, M. Gundogan, L. De Santis, R. Debroux, D. Gangloff, C. Purser, K. Chen, M. Walsh, J. Rose, J. Becker, B. Lienhard, E. Bersin, I. Paradeisanos, G. Wang, G. Malladi, D. Lyzwa, A. Montblanch, H. Bakhru, A. Ferrari, I. Walmsley, M. Atatüre, D. Englund. (2020)
Physical Review Letters 124, 023602
PRL | arXiv:1811.07777
- Qudit-based quantum error-correcting codes from irreducible representations of SU(d)
R. F. Uy and D. Gangloff
arXiv:2410.02407 - A many-body singlet prepared by a central spin qubit
L. Zaporski*, S. de Wit*, T. Isogawa, M. Appel, C. Le Gall, M. Atatüre, D. Gangloff. (2023)
Physical Review X Quantum 4, 040343
PRX Quantum | arXiv:2301.10258 - Time-crystalline behavior in central-spin models with Heisenberg interactions
R. Frantzeskakis, J. Van Dyke, L. Zaporski, D. Gangloff, C. Le Gall, M. Atatüre, S. Economou, E. Barnes. (2023)
Physical Review B 108, 075302
PRB | arXiv:2303.00893 - Multidimensional cluster states using a single spin-photon interface coupled strongly to an intrinsic nuclear register
C. Michaels*, J. Arjona Martinez*, R. Debroux*, R. Parker, A. Stramma, L. Huber, C. Purser, M. Atatüre, D. Gangloff. (2021)
Quantum 5, 565.
Quantum | arXiv:2104.12619 - Collective quantum memory activated by a driven central spin
E. Denning, D. Gangloff, M. Atatüre, J. Mørk, and C. Le Gall. (2019)
Physical Review Letters 123, 140502
PRL | arXiv:1904.11180
Broad Audience and Perspectives
- Materials for Quantum Technologies: a Roadmap for Spin and Topology
N. Banerjee, C. Bell, C. Ciccarelli, T. Hesjedal, F. Johnson, H. Kurebayashi, T. A. Moore, C. Moutafis, H. L. Stern, I. J. Vera-Marun, J. Wade, C. Barton, M. R. Connolly, N. J. Curson, K. Fallon, A. J. Fisher, D. A. Gangloff, W. Griggs, E. Linfield, C. H. Marrows, A. Rossi, F. Schindler, J. Smith, T. Thomson, O. Kazakova. (2024)
arXiv:2406.07720 - An optical interface for quantum networks
D. Gangloff. (2022)
Science 378, 473-474.
A perspective article on the Lukin group’s “Robust multi-qubit quantum network node with integrated error detection” by Stas et al.
External articles about the group
- Passing the torch: The “QuanTour” light source marks the International Year of Quantum
Katherine Skipper (2024)
Physics World Article